ok. Spent Friday night with the girlsdecorating their tree and chatting over some fabulous pomegranate drinks made by Adriana. It was an amazing time...
Brooke and Shaun's wedding was amazing! Bahamas, with your best friends. What could be better? I had a great time and here are some quick pics I snapped with phone while hanging out.
view from my room 2am buffet piano bar party after the wedding my new lady:) goodbye breakfast:(
Just before departing for Brooke's wedding I spent an awesomely fun night with the Brown's....enjoying my first experience with some seriously raw fish. Just so we are clear...I am still alive and it was pretty good:) Thank you Brown's for another enjoyable evening!
So, a few weeks ago we went out and celebrated Sheryl's birthday with a fabulous dinner and drinks. It was an amazing night! Thanks for having me Sheryl!!!!!!
Great thing about moving to Brooklyn is that I don't have to shop at the DAG anymore for groceries!!!!!!! Now, I am a new fan of Trader Joes which is insanely busy but MUCH less busy than the one in Union Square. I think it is in an old bank building. Check it out below.
Ok, first off a trip to Hooters with Sean, Angel, and Missy... it was awesome fun and our waitress Kristina signed her name like a 12 yr old to a napkin and even dotted her I with a heart.... True story. Lots of laughing and lots of fun!